Thursday, March 24, 2011

Newtons First Law Apollo 13

March 24

Luis Saul Kiper
Stopped - 30/07/1977

Like every March 24 we go to the plaza today I can not go because I'm away here is my picture, Daddy.

were born on February 2, 1937.
I got from a doctor in November 1968 in Buenos Aires.
worked hard for a profession you loved, I was told and what I feel, not how or why it maybe because you're on my mind and my heart, today and forever. You worked
Railway hospital. In Boulogne public assistance. At the Institute of Insurance and social services in the home office at Calle Acoyte 216.

With only three years old mine is very little I can remember. Much if they told me and I keep telling family, people close ... Hopefully every so often missing or meeting someone you met and a new treasure! I have some more of you! and these data, anecdotes are like hugs in the middle of nowhere.

you like to see the country today. I like the country today. I like to think that you can see through my eyes. I will love when you can know everything that you deserve and we need to know, plus you were in the ESMA.
happened. Who are the cowards responsible for you not today, not a single right to respect yours. Cowards.
Today we have a country where the figure of justice. Everything begins to name and from the state, from the supreme court. That makes us more free because then all the genocidal murderers dome perpetuated in power untouchable a few years ago are now taking the judgments that they are entitled to all rights guaranteed. And this is being developed under the aegis of the Constitution gives us strength, confidence and freedom.
Today people talk about politics and is no longer bad word as poor Mafalda says ... was out of time on it ...!
The State appears to protect us, shield us legitimizing saved many words, ruminated for inside, houses, corners, closets. Today the silence is broken by such acts and words which can and should listen. Can the whole people, should the lawyers, judges, and of course the accused.
That gives me hope that we will be able to know more.
... I also get dizzy to know everything because I'm afraid I can not bear your pain, that is totally selfish, but I wanted to tell you. But it also is part of my life, our family and our people.
of our history as a country. And that gives me strength.
And each part makes the whole, no?
And this time the story not written by the victors.
History is written rights. The truth and justice. The events that take place in democracy and freedom. Missing, but a lot is also in its proper place as Videla has a life sentence and is being tried for systematic appropriation of minors. There are many examples of things that are in place today that this letter would be too long. We are well underway. The plaque that we put in the guard where you kidnapped in Boulogne. All people entering and leaving every day, doctors, nurses, patients, residents, officers, ordinances, people accompanying a patient, they see it. Everyone who stops before the board knows what happened in that hospital. That is more than is in place. And going for more.
I love you and now you are in our hearts forever.

Tamara Kiper

Saturday, March 19, 2011

When Did O.g Mudbone Die

Initiative "external?

embassy said that Switzerland has, but ended up as a bunch of jerks believing in TN and Clarín. I think the next will have to invent a country that does not leave within ten minutes to belie. And then on a these jerks to repeat the local crime discovered by a foreign initiative, it lasts a little euphoria.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cameltoe Female Atheletes

culture and work

few days ago, in the development of the Expo opposition to a cultural rejection by the San Pedro Kultural with leaders of the multinational Nidera that were staying at a hotel in San Pedro, some jumped with typical retrograde Case "are all vague, let them go to work", as if all cultural exposure, whatever it may be, is because those who do not work. This made me remember a book I paid and never returned. Title: The End of Work by Jeremy Rifkin, 1995, whose main theme is the product of technological unemployment tends to automated production lines.
Among the things that touch the book referred to a possible solution to unemployment is the reduction of working hours. At the same we talk about only having 20 per week, which for people that has grown retrograde recognized as the unique culture of work, it will bring problems of acceptance.

Here the extraterritorial the book:
p. 261, 262.

The reduction in working hours ... must be the first requirement for freedom

nearly fifty years ago at the dawn of the revolution brought about by computers, the philosopher and psychologist Herbert Marcuse was prophetic observation that has come to haunt our society, while we ponder the transition to the information age: "Automation threatens to make the investment of the relationship between leisure and work, this is , make the time spent at work will become marginal while the time spent at leisure becomes critical. The result would be a radical change in the allocation of values \u200b\u200band a lifestyle incompatible with traditional cultures. Advanced industrial society is in permanent mobilization against this possibility, ".
The academic roots Freud went on to say that "since the length of the workday is one of the main factors of repression imposed by a reality principle on one of pleasure, reduced working hours ... must be the first condition for freedom ".
technological Utopians have discussed the fact that science and technology, properly controlled, could finally liberate human beings from formal work. Nowhere is so entrenched this view as among the defenders of the information revolution. Yoneji Masuda, one of the most important architects of the Japanese revolution of computers, provides a future utopia based on them and in which "free time" replace "the material accumulation" as the important value and goal Chief of the new company . Masuda Marcuse agrees with that, for the first time in history, the revolution brought about computers by opening the door to a radical reorientation of society away from the formal labor tending to personal freedom . Japanese visionary argues that while the Industrial Revolution was mainly concerned about the increase in production, the contribution basic information revolution will be the extension of free time, giving human beings' freedom to determine voluntarily "use their own future.
Masuda sees the transition from material values \u200b\u200bto those based on time as a turning point in the evolution of our species : "The value of time is at a higher plane of human life over material values, becoming the core value of economic activity. And this is because the time value corresponds fully to the satisfaction of human desires and intellectuals, while materials values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the psychological satisfaction and material desires. "
In both industrialized and developing countries that are developing there are fears that the global economy to go to an automated future . The revolutions in information technology and communications virtually guarantee more mass production with less labor . In one way or another, more free time is the inevitable consequence of business reengineering and technology dismissal. William Green, former president of the AFL, said the issue briefly: "The free time will come," said union leader. "The only choice is: unemployment or leisure" . The
economic historians point out that, in the case of the first two industrial revolutions, the issue of increasing unemployment to a higher level of entertainment was finally boiled over to the latter, though not without strong fighting enters the working class and the management of companies for reasons of productivity and working hours. Significant productivity gains in the first stage of the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century , had their effects on major reductions in working hours, that went from 80 to 60 weekly . Similarly, twentieth century, as industrial economies make the transition from steam-based technologies to those based on oil and electricity, regular increases in productivity led to a further cut in hours worked per week, which went from sixty to forty . At present, about to cross the barrier that will take us to the third stage of the industrial revolution, thanks to gains in productivity resulting from the systematic application of computers and new information systems and telecommunications, more and more analysts suggest it is inevitable that a further reduction in hours worked, 30 even 20 to adapt the demands of the working class to the new productive capacity of capital.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sissy Getting Girdled

Glyphosate is untouchable

While the Ministry of Health studied the toxicity of the pesticide, a cable opera reveals how the U.S. embassy on Agriculture and the Chaco.

By James O'Donnell

The Embassy of the United States defended the use of the controversial pesticide glyphosate with SENASA officials, the agency responsible for ensuring and certifying the health and quality of agricultural production. According to a diplomatic cable leaked July 2009 by Wikileaks, which was seen Página/12, the embassy decided to present my study to the regulator that it had authorized pesticide use after this newspaper revealed a scientific study warning of the possible toxicity of the product.
The U.S. lobbying for the pesticide manufacturer, the multinational Monsanto, took place six months after President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner ordered the Ministry of Health to initiate an official investigation into the possible harmful effects of pesticide . The study, which is still in progress, will serve to limit and eventually ban the use of glyphosate, it is shown that actually affects the health of the population, as suggested by the work questioned by the embassy. What did the toxicologist Andres Carrasco with chicken embryos.
According to the cable to the embassy, \u200b\u200bCarrasco is a researcher at the "prestigious" CONICET and the "highly respected" Universidad de Buenos Aires. But his study would not be "scientifically credible" because he had been endorsed by such institutions or included in a scientific journal.
"Within the scientific community and regulatory agencies responsible for approving the use of glyphosate in Argentina, it is accepted that the case study has no scientific credibility. The results have been submitted for analysis methodologies procedures and / or conclusions, "says the cable.

Like Coca

To counter what he called a "campaign of the pro-government press, the U.S. embassy provided information to Senasa favorable to the use of glyphosate, according to the office.
"In response to the controversy, the Ministry of Agriculture of Argentina (SENASA through) was gathering information to support approval of the use of glyphosate in Argentina. The Agriculture section of the embassy provided the study information Senasa glyphosate, which is commonly used United States and is also used in the coca eradication program Plan Colombia. "
Cable also explains the interest of defending the embassy in pesticide use:" Glyphosate is the active ingredient of Roundup pesticide popular. Monsanto is the main slice of glyphosate market in Argentina, with forty percent, and therefore is the most prominent victim circumstantial and more vulnerable to attack. "
However, the cable does not refer to studies previously conducted on the toxicity of glyphosate from the University of Caen and the National Research Centre Roscoff, both France, University of Pittsburgh (USA), National University of Rosario and Universidad Nacional del Litoral, although these studies were cited in the article the journalist Página/12 Dario Aranda on the work of Carrasco. The cable does not say anything about the various studies of health authorities within the country warning of high rates of cancer and malformations in sprayed areas.
For the validation study of Carrasco, was published in August last year in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology in an array of ten pages, which includes all data needed to be reviewed the scientific community. In this environment, a study published in a recognized scientific journal is considered an acceptance of their seriousness. Wikileaks cables written to cover only firms early last year, so do not indicate whether the embassy publication realized and corrected their initial perception on the work of Argentinean researcher.


With respect to the use of glyphosate United States does, it is not a situation analogous to that of other countries because the concentration of pesticides, other toxic substances which are mixed and the application form are not the same, warn scientists. "So the security concepts for the environment and health, issued from the characterization and risk assessment calculated for 'normal conditions of use recommended' in the United States have no scientific basis in our environment," says engineer agronomic, biological and chemical Elsa Nivia Colombian site.
"In Colombia, glyphosate is being applied on illicit crops and everything that surrounds it, and in a concentration up to 26 times higher, with the aggravating factor that is adding the surfactant Cosmo-Flux 411F, which can even quadruple the biological action of Roundup. This unfortunate situation adds more perverse: there are reports of several passes of the aircraft when sprayed on rural areas, four, six and twelve times sprayed the same field, "says the researcher.
Ecuadorian government protests led Colombia to suspend the spraying of glyphosate along the border with that country.

"serious allegations"

In January 2009, in a speech where he announced new measures for the field, the President of Argentina reported on the opening of the official investigation on Toxicity of glyphosate. "We have also taken note of these days, it has been widely published by many means, including measurement is a Justice of Cordova, for spraying the chemicals used by certain prohibitions in terms of not doing around villages so this means health impact of the population, "said Cristina Kirchner. "While this is the sole responsibility of municipalities and provinces, I have asked the Minister of Health of the Nation to conduct an investigation because I think it is very important facts make the health of all Argentines and that one can not powers into question and jurisdictions, must make available all the elements because they are very serious allegations and because they have taken action to their own provincial justices cases of pollution, carcinogens, etc., "he said, and vowed to continue the theme of" close " .

The Leonesa

Of the various reports which referred to the President, perhaps the most serious came from the province of Chaco. Last year a provincial judge suspended the spraying of rice for ninety days in the town of Leon and The province ordered a study on the effects of glyphosate in this population. The Provincial Water Contaminants Research published a report in August 2010. Warns that in the last ten years tripled the Leonesa cancer cases in children under 15 in the town and that fourfold cases of birth defects and that this coincided with the rise of rice farm in the area Bermejo Department.
scientists and environmentalists repeatedly denounced the lack of provincial government responses to health threats. Carrasco himself was attacked by local officials when he visited the Leon in 2009 to give a talk on hazards of glyphosate, as denounced by Amnesty International. One possible explanation for the alleged passivity of the government to these facts Chaco appears in another cable Wikileaks published by this newspaper last week, which accounts for the visit of then President of Monsanto Argentina, Juan Ferreyra, the U.S. embassy in August 2008.
"Ferreyra said Monsanto was having good conversations with cotton farmers to expand the use of Bt cotton (Bt cotton) in the province of Chaco, in northern Argentina, and cooperation there," says the cable. "On August 12, Monsanto signed a cooperation agreement with Governor of Chaco. The ambassador was able to support this initiative with a note on the editorial page of the main newspaper of the Chaco and conversations with the governor that day. Capitanich Governor was very enthusiastic in working with Monsanto to improve and expand local production of cotton. "