Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Halloween Crutches Costume

Polonius plan to use as a weapon compounds

Weight for weight, Po-210 is 2.5x10 ^ 11 times more toxic than hydrogen cyanide. This is normal to have to call the attention of both terrorist groups and to certain countries.

That country (call it X) plans to use Po-210 compounds volatile (as fluoride, hydride , or other more complex compounds).
It's not about terrorist groups who want to pull essential water-soluble polonium compounds in water to contaminate an entire population, gases are treated very much radiation as toxicologically hazardous.

If detonate one of those tanks, they can only kill a diameter of 200 to 500 meters. But is that a diameter of 150 km, cause cancer in no time. Remember that alpha emitters are dangerous if they circulate internally by the body ... We are lost if detonated here.


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