Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Description Of Parts Of A Ship

positron pump has been a success

After the 1 st test done in Antarctica, we can say pumps positrons are already here.

The pump in question was nothing more than a prototype that contained 0.5 g of K-40, still enough to measure their effects.

Its dual electromagnetic pulse has come to have a range of over 360 km, and generated a huge amount of ions, triggering small electric field across the area. And this is just the beginning.

Presumably soon begins massive extraction of K-40. These pumps require much maintenance, because its battery and supercapacitors that use should always be loaded (ultracapacitors are used to cause a release of X-rays and a large electron beam), and also the fuel must be vacuum and always ionized, without even a single electron.

The use of these bombs goes further: detonated from space, in addition to its electromagnetic pulse jodería an entire continent and that positrons can be targeted to a specific objective (strength of the pump), it can cause devastating effects on the ozone layer, and especially the ionosphere .


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