Sunday, September 17, 2006

Denise Milani Breast Job

About Sorry, but that I am compelled to write on this page .

First of all, it's you you read (not that it is too long).
According to the author, if you download a capacitor (ie, if we pass an electric current) by a carbon rod, the C-12 will absorb an electron (EC), will become B-12 and the decay with a beta particle of 13 MeV (almost none) to C-12 again, only a few KeV to be needed to produce 13 MeV.

This guy is a genius, if not for what they say has some truth.

First of all, when you discharge a capacitor on a piece of coal, hence the core remains unchanged. What this guy does is to confuse power with X-free electron kinetic energy. Even
bombardeasemos beta particles to a lump of coal, would only make two things:

1-If the electron takes less than 30 eV, negatively ionizaría carbon atom.
2-If the electron has enough energy, not crash into the atomic nucleus, just the electron would be spun and / or slowed down, producing X-rays

For beta particle may fall within the carbon nucleus, provided that this can turn back the energy it would take too much (I'm referring to more than 90 MeV).

That is, it can make you spend 30 MW Coal to bar it will only get you in an instant red hot and BOOM! And believe me, there will not be broken by any nuclear reaction.

And the best is the system that has to transform the 13 MeV of the B-12 in a potential difference: a toroidal coil.
They have been trying to transform scientists radiation ionizing electrical energy (batteries betavoltaicas, for example), achieving an efficiency as much of 5% and gave thanks, and now comes this guy and get to spend that energy as usual.

A toroidal coil could be used if there were a variable magnetic field, not with electrons to 13 MeV, which would go everywhere and colliding with the coil, at that speed, it would pass through the lining .. ., and that this acceleration would only produce X-rays and a pair of ions that would be restored within the coil.

Come on, it will not wash.

And by the way, I hope to write soon about betavoltaicas nuclear batteries.



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