Friday, July 28, 2006

Saturday Night Live Fart Skit Will Ferrell

Acquire radioisotopes (II). National institutes in USA.

As I said, Spectrum Techniques is the best and sell it to everyone.
addition, all the U.S. stores that sell radioisotopes are distributors techinique Spectrum.

Of course, these radioisotopes are produced in nuclear reactors by neutron activation, so you might not find the radioisotope that we seek.

radioisotope can be created not only by bombing neutron, but also by proton bombardment using large particle acceledaros.

This produces new radioisotopes, but have the problem of being expensive and in short supply.

An example is the production and distribution of isotopes of Los Alamos National Laboratory, in those with a particle accelerator of 100 MeV.

These radioisotopes tend to be somewhat pricey, and especially for medical use and research, but if you pass the maximum amount permitted USA you will have no problems.

Here are the isotope selling. Think they sell in compounds (usually) and measured in uCi or mCi.

I hope that here you meet a radioisotope that interests you.

Then we also have the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which sells a large amount of both stable and unstable isotopes bombarded with neutrons.

Here is the página.Y certainly not be led by California, Berkelium, Plutonium, etc. For these very heavy license is required, whether the amount is. Remember that all alpha emitters USA are restricted, except for Po-210 (up 0.1 uCi).

Before I even sold-3 (stable), which the government has ceased production lest someone make an H-bomb

And finally, we have the Brookhaven National Laboratory, which produces a few very rare isotopes for medical, industrial and research.

Here is the page. The problem is that aside from the price (a little more expensive than the other two depending on things), there are only a few in stock. For others it may take more than two months to receive it.

Of course, if you ask too little (we're going to do if we have no license) you have to wait for someone else to ask too much of it, and that's when they come cheap synthesizers.

Well, here are the top 3 U.S. National Laboratories with isotope production program. Tip: If you can buy in Spectrum Techniques do it, if not the best thing is that they are in stock, because you are not going to bother to connect the accelerator

XD Salu2!


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