Monday, July 10, 2006

Birthday Cake Ideas, Dirt Bike

Lights Tritium perpetual How do they work? Are they safe? What law?

Many have heard of tritium lights. Generally you will have seen as pendants, known in English as glowrings, it seems some of that crap they give you to leave the club.

Tritium (H-3) is an isotope of hydrogen which has one proton and two neutrons.
To get rid of a neutron, it releases an electron and an anti-neutrino. This electron is called electron nuclear simply because it leaves the nucleus itself, since neutrons are composed of an electron and a proton, which neutralizes the electrical charge.

Tritium becomes He-3, and the electron (with a speed of 18.59 keV) is directed to match where tritium is contained in, and activates, leaving the nice effect that you see above. Thus, continuously, for about 20 years.

pendant color color depends only match. A phosphor is a chemical compound which gives the fluorescence or phosphorescence, as many items you have out there that glow in the dark. These matches are usually zinc sulphate (ZnS). Here you have a great website about various types of matches made by the PFDC. You can even get to see directly with espintaroscopio radiation, which I will speak later. It is also based centelleo.Pero counters continue with the subject.

Tritium was not the only material that has been used to make light sentences.
The radio was very used to the hands of a clock, but due to its high radioactivity and its decay products was recalled. Today

these perpetual lamps are often made or tritium or Promethium-147, a highly radioactive beta emitter because of its short life (2.6 years). But wait, no mistake.
If you have a clock where the hands will glow in the dark, does not mean you have to be radioactive. It can be simple phosphorescent paint.

The beta radiation at first did not have great penetrating power, so it is not a perpetual problem with these lights can get so close to our hearts or our pet (depends where you want it to). The problem is given by the Bremsstrahlung effect . And I ask: what the hell that means? When a high-speed electrons (beta radiation) passes near a nucleus, this runs counter to have their load tries to attract, thus slowing the electron.
And where will the energy for it to removed the electron? That energy comes out as X-ray

The same happens in the Tritium lights: When the electrons hit the glass, do not cross it, but X-rays generated low energia.Con a Geiger counter we can detect up to 250 CPM (counts per minute) , which is enough. So you know, if you have one of those key chains or pendants, you bear not very close, which is to print a photographic plate in 5 seconds, but not good.

On the issue of legality ... I have no idea how legislation is in force in Spain, but I have written to the CSN an e-mail to see what I say (surely pass me). In USA The item is screwed because there is basically Tritium military use (that weird, right?), but that is not true in all countries.

If you are interested it is best to buy from Ebay UK . Since the UK is illegal Sport, but that gives us most. You can also buy from the store Lumitec Taiwan Ebay. There are many other places, but Spain seems to me nothing.

And finally, I have to mention that with tritium are also a few markers that are used in the army and serve to highlight certain areas where they are placed in the night. I've been surprised a few markers of carbon-14 (as well as the tritium decays by beta), called Carbolum, made by Tritec (site I believe is the United Kingdom).

apparently no license is required if you order one that has little activity, but a larger pied, it is necessary to leave (the software).

This page also sells Werb Some radioisotopes, but I will comment ma forward and sites where you can find, which are maximum allowed, etc.

Hell, if I've rolled writing. The next time I'll be more careful.



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