This is not to say the "Revolutionary" Altamira, which also to be pimps National Government, not "publish" the answer to his letter Galasso.
You're right about something, we recontraalcahuetes, but we gain in intensity those who walk behind you altamira, as being two or three lunatics, should intensify efforts in pandering.
Following is the transcript of the "Response" to Galasso, where you can see, right from the start, that the leader of PO nice patina of saying that there is a McCarthyite persecution promoted by the Government. Nothing funnier.
UNDER WHAT you fell, Galasso
not surprising that the historian Norberto Galasso join McCarthy's campaign unleashed by the national government and his courtiers to criminalize the Workers' Party and to combat it, as one of his scribes, "to the Penal Code" - the first concrete manifestation of the 'new' policy of "democratic security" to address the social mobilization, which blew in his ear Verbitsky the race of the new Minister of Security. In a 'letter' that was broadcast instantly and profusely, for the most part by the 'blogs' pimps of the ruling (which surely will do the same with this response), Galasso not pronounce two sentences are unavoidable in the mouth of any wrestler "the gang of Pedraza" and "trial and punishment of all offenders." Backwards, "can fall on you," Galasso said, referring to Altamira, "the responsibility for what happens to activists who are victims of fighting as we have seen. " It is, eye, of a threat - of course, from the popular field that does not make the pass but repeats: "I thought, he says, in the kids that you can take risks." Is this man even suspect the level of political bankruptcy and even its vileness? We are in danger, not street gangs of Pedraza, Maturano, West Ocampo, Gerardo Martinez, Guillermo Moreno, the 'horse' Suarez, Capaccioli, Otacehé, police barracks and Avellaneda, the Soldati, the Formosa Spring, but picketing by rail or, for that matter, all picketing of all fighters, and activists like Mariano Ferreyra. No need to purge the political power of these gangs, but trigger a McCarthyite campaign against the PO. Galasso is not even to formulate a theory of two evils - for him and the other courtiers, the devil is one. If we are responsible for the murder of our colleague, the gang of Pedraza is a secondary issue. Galasso
goes further: supports the contention of the lawyers defending the murderers - the "confrontation" - which was refuted without extenuating circumstances, both by the judge of first instance and then by the three judges of Criminal Appeals . Have not you noticed, Galasso, the pit of filth in you down? Galasso thus closes the circle of the criminalization campaign began, the same 20 October, the President of the Nation, when responsibility for the crime to "those who use sticks in the demonstrations" and "students who forced door of the National Council of Education. " After that came the tirades such as "the PO threw a dead national and popular government," the Trots are functional Duhalde "- something that did not remember when Kirchner was taken out to the Presidency politically responsible for the murders of Kosteki and Santillan - which incidentally imposed more than half the cabinet, including most of the current ministers, mayors and pointers. After the killing of Mariano, the Insfrán Kirchner claimed the lives of two peasants Formosa tuffs, and the police chief appointed by the Metropolitan Nestor Kirchner and the two residents of Villa Soldati. Neither the police nor Insfrán are charged, on the contrary, the government supports the reelection of Formosa and ended up signing a pact with Macri to punish by deprivation of social rights of the people fighting for housing. (Shhhh, let che'm reading. Do not misunderstand. Not Che, but I'm just reading, and said Chee) .
If the killing of Mariano Ferreyra was made in order to defend the outsourcing-a super scheme to benefit the big cities - that of the tuff was 'functional' to the interests of landowners and soy producers to Soldati property speculation in the City. Rather than raise the alarm accuser: Where do you Cristina? or preventive warning: Where you're getting carried away?, Galasso points against 'main enemy', that is, according to him, the priority should have any political attack - Altamira and the Labor Party. It has become the 'principal enemy' - To us, not to Pedraza. This is the fallacy that has meaning without the introductory phrase, which claims to have with Altamira "a theoretical point (sic) community: ... create the caring society, egalitarian, where the outbreak and to consolidate the New Man." In fact, we want to apply the Criminal Code. That hoax, right? Galasso
our young militants qualify as kids, not by an act of love but to dismiss that have reached maturity and awareness they have of their own actions. In contrast, the Campora, who honored Insfrán on the eve of the assassination of the Toba, or the Youth Association of sad memory, which celebrated with CFK at River a few hours before the killing of Mariano, are for him a wonderful youth. The 'letter' of Galasso is a provocation in each line and the cheek on a monument. ( I see that this letter also brings a lot of inner peace).
Covering the Pedraza
Galasso not hiding away from the gang who murdered Mariano Ferreyra at any point in your text. Galasso repeats the story that "the right bands" came the sack of the season Constitution, although, for of it, abstains in this case to accuse ourselves for these raids, sure that's unreported what his Minister Nilda Garre and her traveling companion ("occasionally?) Horacio Verbitsky - none of which supported his outrages in court. Instead, he gave Juan Pablo Schiavi, transport secretary and head of the Undersecretary Antonio Luna-man and Pedraza-Maturano, who accused the facts of our activists rail Constitution in court that ordered by the court processing Avellaneda pathways.
Galasso says If you're like, why there are no excesses charged by the Constitution, when La Nacion newspaper published photos of the actors and there are monitors own station? You did not think in this Galasso - at least at night, when "the muscle and ambition lies asleep? But the cover up of what happened in the Constitution, by the clique of 'democratic security', ie the Penal Code and emetics gas, obeys a simple reason: the excesses were armed by the gang of railway bureaucracy, with the intention of reversing the possibility of preventive detention for the seven defendants for the murder of Marian, as was earlier, but that I do not care Galasso, in the strikes of the fraternity to "free the prisoners" and 'assemblies' armed by the UF Temperley with the same slogan. Galasso
mocks, with the same anti-worker style of the press 'destituyente' (now the official copy) of a cut of "20 young rebels" to none, as it does right, the claim of the court: the cessation of layoffs and outsourcing - which claimed tens of thousands on the railroad. Layoffs and outsourcing expressing increased exploitation of capital over labor and the plundering of the workers by the union bureaucracy. But what the hell does it matter that the "left national "! The 250 fellow who cut the tracks left the naked Galasso wonderful government was failing, and still does not comply, the minutes of joining the permanent staff of outsourced. But the government fails signed it because it has a political and economic association with the bureaucracy, that it is a huge factor of power in government Birth & pop. Galasso parrots verse of the entire ruling that 'naturally' in this wonderful government "has left many outstanding bills, lots to do" (password for reelection). If so (admittedly such a thing for a moment), why not gets down to work and check to Pedraza railroad management, the check of the Secretary of Transportation, expelled from UGOFE coimeros capitalists and puts the rail under direct government administration, with control of elected workers' delegates? But the thing that government does, and has said he will do, nor claim Galasso and his cronies of the court's official: support the continuation of the gang in one of the major centers of power and in front of one of the examples greater economic corruption and embezzlement of national funds. Galasso is a simple accessory that disguises itself with the catch phrase of "the principal contradiction." The Pedraza are part of the power Kirchner - in no small measure. Galasso wants a new man but not a better railway pay, working under inhumane conditions. Galasso: Reread your 'letter' and make yourself to mourn. But after all: the 'national left' did not support lifelong union bureaucracy - even in the 70's crime?
The "main enemy"
All this shameless lie, which puts it in the field of abetting the murder of our colleague, Mariano and the enemies of the railway workers , Galasso justified with the argument of "Main enemy" must be supported CFK (and especially his re-election) so they do not succeed the 'main enemy', right. Actually this is a lie, because at no time Galasso CFK characterizes as a class enemy, even 'sub', workers, and does not run under any form, develop a class organization that fights the government - at least as class enemy 'secondary'. After all, the goal of a socialist fighting 'main enemy' is to strengthen the 'enemy side', which side it is a class enemy, but take advantage of the weakening of front of class as a whole implies a defeat of the 'main enemy' to end the domination of class in general. In short, instead of raising any form of class opposition to the capitalist government 'secondary', or to correlate the struggle against class enemies 'main' opposed to any government of the bourgeoisie class, Galasso
is dedicated to threaten our 'kids' with future 'pedrazazos', ie to take advantage of the defensive wall Pedraza as Kirchner government. As in politics with the snipers, Galasso is at the service of all provocations. Indeed, it is a provocation, Galasso complaint and could not denounce the ruling that our fellow rail prosecuted for "extortion" on the occasion of Avellaneda cut routes because the condition makes any claim protest that relies on measures effective direct action. CFK has achieved its initial purpose of criminalizing (penal code) to our party. A judge described as 'blackmail' to a request addressed to an ideal person, not physical, such as the Ministry of Labour, could not have done so without a requirement of political power.
The most 'famous' how to use the thesis of the principal contradiction was offered by the Communist Party in 1976 when called to support the military dictatorship, with the consideration that the 'main enemy' were the Suarez Mason and Menendez, characterized as Pinochet, against Videla. It's the same method applied Galasso: outside concrete analysis of a specific situation, there is always a villain may be attributed the status of 'main enemy' and, by this means, to absolve of guilt the enemy who is next in hierarchy. In the classic example of the Russian Revolution, no one can question that the 'main enemy', for 250 days followed but two Russian Kirchner government was Kerensky. But for two days, when an attempted military coup Kerensky was usurped by a military coup effective monarchical right Kornilov against Kerensky, the Bolsheviks during the two days Kornilov turned into the main enemy, not to support the Kerensky Kirchner. Kornilov's defeat paved the overthrow of Kerensky. The same thing we did with Elizabeth. For two years, fought the Peronist government that created the three A, navarrazo produced in Cordoba, liquidated the Peronist left and attacked the UOM and the city of Villa Constitución - while the rest of the political spectrum arming a block, first 8 and then from 9 to defend the "institutionalization" against a military coup. From July 1975 with the appointment of Videla, produced a shift, and raise the slogan "Down with the hit", while warning that before the coup, now discarded due to the assumption of a 'general democratic '. But while we, Labour Policy, convert the military coup in the 'main enemy', the government of Isabel did the opposite: It targeted as its 'main enemy' to the fighters, and opened even more, in this way, the way for victory of the coup.
The 'National Left' gave full political support to the government of Isabel and therefore the policy of capitulation before the coup. In the case of the Illia government was even worse because Peronism and the 'national left "supported the coup Ongania, either directly or with the call to' unsaddle until it clears." The "national left" and Ramos came to ask for a definition of "national" to the dictatorship ("of the crisis in Argentina to a patriotic front" brochure in October 1978) and later characterized as "military-style patriotic Peron to Seineldin and Rico - This modern military ranks K. The 'national left', which also supported the traitorous Frondizi and only verbally opposed the Liberator, has no authority to give lessons to the Labour Party. Galasso
advantage of public ignorance to claim support from the 'National Left' October 17, which is true for the newspaper Labor Front, but where was Abelardo Ramos, who in his journal in October as characterized, on the contrary, as an inter-bourgeois struggle ("a struggle for the government within the propertied classes of our country ... in which he acted divided the proletariat") (No. 1 magazine in October, November , 1945). Abelardo Ramos alongside Menem ended by chance Menem Galasso also voted in 1989 - always with the argument of the 'main enemy', the UCR Raúl Angeloz, and the immaturity of the class struggle to fight for the development of socialist class opposition. The champions of occupying one of the areas in dispute, refuse to do that when it comes to the struggle against the Ferreyra Mariano Pedraza - and get over the wall talking about a "confrontation." Galasso
knows that, at least 60, the best known popularizer of the subject of contradictions, Mao Zedong. Disseminators of Mao were responsible for disseminating, in turn, the species of the main enemy, whose original version is older, it was the understatement of Stalinism to justify the popular front against 'right'. But in this booklet vulgar, Mao takes his precautions, says for example that in certain cases, the secondary contradiction could become the principal. He knew whereof he spoke: two decades of "long war", the Red Army of Mao had spent 15 years in a civil war against the 'enemy side' - the nationalist Kuomintang ChiangKaisek, the other five against Japanese militarism, but combined with repeated clashes with rivals kirchneristas of China. Seen the final result - the victory of the revolution in China - one must conclude that no civil war against the Kuomintang Birth & pop Chinese masses had ended in defeat. Mao developed this guidance in the worst moment of "class struggle" (as he likes to Galasso), when he had to walk ten thousand miles on foot to escape his pursuers Kirchner, ie representatives of the national bourgeoisie of China .
may CFK government is taking second place in the standings of the 'enemies' of the exploited - with or De Narvaez Macri disputing the first and second with Duhalde. But unlike them is the government, ie the capitalist business manager and in charge of protecting the existing relations of exploitation. This transforms the secondary principal, a worker can not claim the red or Carrio, and only in a limited space to Mauritius. He who does not fight the current government does not fight the power, guide the masses against the parliamentary opposition will not yield anything, so not interested. Only in a crisis of power is a need to distinguish the fields that are disputed the outcome, in this case, only it is necessary to distinguish the enemy, the enemy of our enemy, and heading the batteries from the first - no political support to the latter. The 'national left', by contrast, has joined one of the Bourgeois fields in a strategic way, to the last drop of hemlock - so went with Perón, Bolivians Paz Estenssoro and Siles Suazo, Peruvians Hague la Torre and Alan Garcia, Frondizi, Isabel, to the complete capitulation of the latter to imperialism. Following the metaphor of a girl of 20 years Galasso wants love but at 60 she can run out of teeth, the examples warn that long before the young lady toothless national and popular will become a prostitute.
The Baldwin
Kirchner's government is the trustee in bankruptcy of 2002, came to pay the debts of the dictatorship and Menem. So, to save capitalism, not to transform capitalist social relations that led to bankruptcy. No less sepoy but the government pays usurious debt, that he who contracted it. The K's renegotiated from usurious levels reached in 2000 / 1, including interest. Was the focus of capitalist restructuring of the country, in terms that left him Duhalde, Lavagna. Held with forceps (Subsidies) the privatization scheme and all forms of precarious and black. The Stock Exchange topped out, it expanded the territorial border and financial exploitation of soybean landowner. Galasso welcomes the re-nationalization of the administrators, but without warning we did - that would be used to pay international usury. The AFJP Anses is now a state, it is governed by a PSA system, no sharing, and money is invested in the purchase of debt securities. Kirchner did what any capitalist would have imagined in their dreams under: pay the debt so far as to reduce its share float, 200% to 18% of GDP, by plugging into action Anses, the Pami, the AFIP and the Central Bank.
has executed more people's economic confiscation of all time: the next default takes place, not to foreign creditors, which in any case always rescued, but the retired and the national currency. Thanks to this, now begins a new cycle of indebtedness, which has started in the provinces and the private sector. Invade foreign capital stock and government bonds, this means, politically, this is your government - without tying their hands to anyone who offers to go further. No capitalist wants to depose a government that buys the debt. Add to this the K anti-terrorism law that Congress did vote to Bush's request, which prohibits any organization that effectively show solidarity with the national struggles of other peoples, or the alignment with Zionism against Iran - and we see that Galasso is aligned with the worst interests of imperialism. Ah, the media law, geared to the interests of the octopus of telephony and the official alcahueterismo concealing Pedraza, or the child allowance, sponsored by the World Bank, which consolidated a system of social exclusion by reference the right to work, and pay retirees Anses - until finally some concessions social or legal, without which a government of big business could not govern not for a moment in a democratic electoral system. The current government is the major mining and oil octopus and bankers - the ones who have profited from the exploitation of public debt, finance capital of soybean-exporting of the privatized, and the game. Why the hell a socialist party should not fight?
Galasso seems unwise to characterize the conflict as deductions interburgués soy - do you mean by this that we abstract from what position was best for national development. Well, precisely Our position was: none. A defense of the profit rate of soybean farming on the one hand, opposed the defense of payment of foreign debt on the other. The government's failure in this conflict led him to recapture the funds of the administrators to avoid default and pay the debt. Then did the same with Central Bank reserves, there is a progressive position between agricultural income and financial income.
A Galasso haunts him, however, re-election. "Che, Altamira, want to win the Duhalde-Macri? "Do not get mad if you say it," he adds, with the histrionics collected from the underworld. Is the last bastion of Galasso argument. But if CFK will not be lost for resources exhibiting their 'destituyentes' nor the Labor Party - but because it is 'functional' to Pedraza, bankers, miners octopuses, etc., And economic disruption resulting from played by those interests. But what would be the re-election of Cristina, Galasso? Re-election would shield landowners from Buenos Aires, Scioli, of Gioia, the Insfrán, representatives of big capital automotive and religious education, as Schiaretti or to the 'rentrée' of Reutemann. These rights without recovery, would become the successor of CFK. No has not fallen into a deep political bankruptcy may pose a line like Galasso.
The Labor Party
Galasso's last argument is that "class struggle" (Galasso insists that the more calls for expression of class collaboration) offers no opportunity to the left, have to settle for what you get. The Kirchner did not go further, because the 'class struggle' does not, the fault is not any political force, but the abstract 'class struggle'. But if this is the case, what are offering this 'wonderful youth' who just discovered colleagues Galasso, Open Letter? Resignation, accommodation, cooptation, petty corruption and political cynicism. Galasso had the bad luck of selling spoiled meat from Altamira and the PO when the Bolivian masses were rising against the Kirchner government of Bolivia, which recently adopted the agenda of the right to receive political support. But this uprising, like so many in Europe and Asia, are the expression of the tendency of the exploited against global bankruptcy of capitalism, which is developed in view of everyone, causing an unprecedented social degradation. In these historical conditions, necessarily involve a transition between non-revolutionary and revolutionary situations, our party develops a socialist labor organization, which would be impossible without the unmasking of now I definitely toothless bourgeois nationalism. Why the government has put in place all the resources of the state, including parastatals of the gang, on the one hand, courtiers and scribes, on the other, against our party, the Partido Obrero, why we have become its main enemy, if not precisely because they fear death as political emancipation of the working class?
DOWN THE COVENANT CFK-PEDRAZA, was the gang of the railroads and unions.
Trial and punishment of all those guilty of the murder of our colleague Mariano Ferreyra.
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