Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dancing Lady In Red Dress Painting

Much is at stake

Galasso resondió him to Altamira: "Much is at stake."

I answer, but this will be my last post, it is meaningless dialogue of the deaf. I tried to warn you, call to think, respectfully, almost brotherly. I not say that undertakes to act as an agent of the CIA, or that were sold to Magneto and the Rural Society. No. I do not think so, nor I told you. I spoke as a companion to whom one would suggest to proceed sensibly, wisely revolutionary means, taking into account the experiences of Argentina and the world as well as the proposals of the major theorists. Neither do I, "" Stop fooling around against the government because you bring to Macri and Duhalde to power and tease us all, even the Labor Party. Only, I warned, as he advises a friend: "'Che, I quit smoking because smoking is bad and hurts us all. " That, alone. Given this, you answered me angry as if you had no arguments: "meanness", "filth pit", "cheek on," "shameless lie", "provocative", "accessory", "with histrionics collected underworld "," deep political bankruptcy, "resignation", "accommodation", "cooptation", "petty corruption", "political cynicism" and "selling rotten meat." What?

probably tell me to publish it in Popular Signs and you publish yours in Prensa Obrera. But more interesting is that you - tremendous left-riding came with your letter in the "pure blood" of conservative journalism: November 14 last, the doctrine stands Mitre, ie, the daily La Nación, you did a story that starts on top and then occupies the entire page 3, with the title: "The government is afraid of a left opposition" and the caption: "The ultimate reference of the Labor Party talks political responsibility in the killing of Mariano Ferreyra, spurious links between the police and the railway and will of Kirchner's ambiguous to investigate the crime and street gangs debug unionism. " I applaud the oligarchy, Altamira. That old prostitute of journalism uses you see? And I applaud you use. Moreover, the article states that "the Labor Party is growing and even their articles are published in newspapers such as La Prensa, for example." The Press! What Trotsky opinaría of such an event? Unfortunately it has melted to Reader Digest because otherwise issue you could well be another flood of praise.
you remember that article, is not it? Approaches Supplement Nation (14/11/2010) Richard Carpenter story. The journalist will praise, praise you much, Altamira, too: "Altamira seemed intelligent, witty, deep, with a larger discourse distinct from that of many 'professional' on the left Creole. It's funny or not, he and other leaders of the PO parade by many means as a result of the crime of Mariano Ferreyra, but not in official media. You are correct that the Kirchner has intentionally located the PO on the left side of his ring. I was surprised when he spoke of the changes in their group with a certain amount of self-criticism. " This blessing to me produce insomnia, what do you want me to say? And you will correspond well to the morning reactionary, "" If there's a party that handles the nuances of ours ...". He adds: "-The main theme today is show another point: it is true that the country is faced with an alternative Kirchner-right opposition," ie, to demonstrate just what Mitrismo tells middle-class sectors who still believe in independent journalism: do not vote to Kirchner for fear that the right win, no, there are many progressive options. There are only more explicitly endorsed it: the alternative is to continue the horrible kirchnerismo or get back on track of the institutions semi-democracy, as before, in the good old days of 2002 or better, much before 1943.
Elsewhere in the interview, you were wrong, very wrong, when referring to the death of Nestor: "I'm no psychologist, but if a person suffers a stroke and sees a way out, do not have a heart attack. A heart attack is because he sees an exit. " Death not, then, an excess of militancy weakened arteries, but who gets hurt himself on his political impotence. How many kids were assholes to the square to pay homage, right? How many Argentines morons did not realize that there had risked his life for his beliefs, but was nothing more than something like a suicide to not display cowardice inability or ideology? How stupid was shocked Latin America, as the commander Lula or Chavez or Evo and Correa and many other "populist" without your fine psychological capacity to unravel the cause of death of Nestor?
Last, but not only does La Nación and La Prensa understand that the OP is necessary and plays a role that interests them a lot, which is suitable to grow and have more strength to destabilize the government, but also one of your most important men-Branch-part, short time ago in a luncheon with other Mirtha Legrand "leftist" foes of Cristina, Vilma Ripoll and Pino Solanas. You've seen the scene and perhaps revel intimately, but to sit at lunch with this old lady who proclaimed "blonde inside and out, posing for photos with Astiz and scaring spent his public life that "lefties will come" and watch as the cook, with her white apron and cap, announced the menu for gentlemen "and then the waitress, also apron, those meals served rare respectfully own" people bian ", is not it incompatible with the socialist revolution? Did not you find a serious inconsistency?
And there's more, the icing on the cake, "then you go yourself What they said less and you won the admiration of Ernesto Tenenbaum and this I devoted two full pages Twenty (01/02/2011 .) Praise and more praise for who is called "social reporter" and supports practicing "cynicism" and puts you in the clouds, Altamira. To me, I say, I find it outrageous. I'm telling thick repressing words I do not want to lose the line, but if I happen to me or god or allow the devil to the disgrace of this atheist would reflect deeply about the role I'm playing right now in Argentina, as is what I referred in my previous letter.
I repeat it now: you're in a very dangerous game, do not believe that you stand for your wisdom. They do for your perseverance in error. I say it sincerely and do not give me that I envy the recognition of La Nacion, La Prensa and Tenenbaum. "If the sage does not approve, bad / if the pig applauds the worse" as I taught my poor third-grade teacher who believed that Mitre was a Democrat and certainly had never heard of Mariano Fragueiro, or Osvaldo Magnasco .... And Legrand! which is much more dangerous than it appears because although he is ignorant, as noted Luppi, aims and who knows where it serves (And by the way: Federico Luppi Grande!, and also Grande and Florence Esther Goris Peña! and large ! also Chino Navarro, who sang them forty to all these "independent journalists" of the people and dependent on monopolies, such as constipation Grondona and Nelson Castro). What are you doing, Altamira? Each retains its little proud: mine is never having been in the program Grondona, or in the lunches Legrand. For conduct, you know? By political decision. And even try not to watch them on screen, for reasons of mental hygiene.
On another subject, if you did not notice, here is playing the fate of Argentina and throughout Latin America for many years and to me very interested in workers rights rail, but I do not pass the class struggle as the principal contradiction, between the PO and Pedraza. One of your colleagues sent me an email as which "Pedraza is the principal enemy" and you devotes three pages of your answer to apply the same standard, "Galasso not pronounce ... the gang of Pedraza. " No, my old, Twister no!. On October 22, our current Discépolo Policy issued a statement that appeared in November People Signs denouncing the murder of Ferreyra and demanding "severely punish those responsible, without any concessions." Or you read only Prensa Obrera? They also said: "When a national and popular movement, as Peronism, has melted down for a time-like degradation occurred during the Menem administration, as important as recovery, residual elements are always in the minority-unionism, today in continuing the vices of bureaucracy, corruption and hooliganism. " Of course, this does not mean that the class struggle in Argentina is expressed in the antithesis Pedraza-Labor Party, which is theoretical nonsense. I remember what I had Jauretche: a man and combative honestísimo Jorge del Rio, specializing in the issue of electricity, had some difficulty to fully understand the '45 Peronism because Perón, who had nationalized a huge swath business-not the company had expropriated CADE. And brotherly Jauretche told: "'But Argentina's history can not be seen through the keyhole of the CADE. Is much broader and complex. " Also today, however painful the episode that killed Ferreyra, the class struggle also unfolds in a more extensive and complex: the oligarchy fear that Cristina will win in the first round and that applies to fund Media Law and worker participation in company profits and to control internal costs of factory committees and is an America America to the detriment of imperialism, and can not find the candidate with which to deceive the middle to go to second round and join all against Cristina.
The country is split, again, as always, there is the issue, because there are competing projects and one of them favor the conditions for progress and the other popular, no. The other wants to go back. And then I get excited and I talk about what you Evo Morales Evo Negas facing the reactionaries of the "half moon" and the powerful outside interests and your colleagues put a big sign on the door of the Faculty of Philosophy: "García Linera is not persona grata because he is a traitor. " I was amazed as I asked a girl: - What is Evo for you? "A fascist, he said. Poor Trotsky! I said, remembering that Marx: "I planted and harvested lions fleas." And I speak now Correa denounces the negative action in their country, which he calls "left silly" and jump for joy because Fidel is better health. And because the PT continues to lead in Brazil and that Chavez continues to expropriate and talk of socialism in the XXI century. To you all that you say little, inadequate, unworthy of your attention, even you annoying because it makes you more difficult to criticize when they were the neoliberal governments.
And you are here with Pedraza and Kornilov. Not downplaying any of those things that you raise, but I think simply that in the first case, workers are going to renew their union leadership, as has already happened in other guilds because I suppose, now that you say you contemplate the nuances, you will understand that there are different trends in the current CGT, as well as in the CTA. With respect to Kornilov think you fail the calendar: we are in October, Altamira, we're not even in February, and are not the Bolshevik party, neither the government nor is Kerensky Kornilovs now in sight. If we find it hard to understand, to you and to me be frank-the correlation of forces, the level of political consciousness of workers The position of employers of domestic capital, the phenomenon soybean with glyphosate, Monsanto back and multinational exporters, if we are coming off a terrible loss and we are missing pictures from 40 years to 50 years because they have been massacred, I do not come with recipes from a distant country, in a distant time, about which we know very little as to apply to our specific Argentine and Latin American. Moreover, to prevent the Kornilov coup is clear that the Bolsheviks had to match, from their perspective and still holding their noses with Kerensky, who was not the same as Kornilov: "No, it's time. Support the rifle on his shoulder and shoot Kerensky against Kornilov. Then adjust accounts with Kerensky "(L. Trotsky, History of the Russian Revolution, Volume II, p. 165, edit. Sarpe, 1985).
Also the Chinese Communists had temporarily coincide with the bourgeoisie in China, "Chiang Kai-Shek is an oppressor of the Chinese workers and peasants and have no need to remind us. But today is pushed, despite his ill will to make war on the Japanese imperialism, the remains of the independence of China. Tomorrow may betray again. Maybe. More, more, it is inevitable!. But today makes war: the non-participation in this war is something they can only do the comfortable, complete idiots or scoundrels (Leon Trotsky). To do otherwise is to ignore the dialectic and become - do you dream this score? - In "The great organizer of defeats" (L. Trotsky, 1928).
With regard to the "National Left" signs "-Galasso advantage of public ignorance to claim support for the October 17, which is true for the newspaper Labor Front, but where was Abelardo Ramos which, in their October magazine characterized him, however, as an inter-bourgeois struggle ('a struggle for the government within the propertied classes of our country, within which appeared divided the proletariat') "(October No. 1 November 1945). Here incurrís a mischief, because the magazine in October Number 1 was buried in oblivion until the exhumed for nearly three decades in the FIP and the National Left (CEAL, 1983) just to take the correct tradition of Frente Obrero, Ramos assumed then, in 1946. I am glad that you read and pleasantly surprised me, but do not draw the right conclusions. Without denying the merits of Ramos to sustain and disseminate national positions left, broke with the organization in 1971, with some deviations that were worse then to their relationship with the Menem administration, which is why I am in charge of the complaints that bring me on the table. The National Left, initiated Labor Front, is broader than Ramos which -So we talked about earlier, the girl of fifteen ending Fuler wrinkled at ninety-does not mean that we forget their virtues juveniles in this case, especially Revolution and Counterrevolution in Argentina (1957), good times Abelard.
I answer because I am a man of patience, but I do last time because there is no possibility of controversy and recognize yourself you spent all curses.
I answer, somewhat reluctantly, because lowering the level of exchange of ideas, you probably because you have the perfect tactics and strategy, correct without the slightest crack and are not willing to move a line as you come by for decades while the result, according to electoral calculations and the actual impact on workers, there has been very successful to say.
And I repeat, Pensalo. I do not ask self-critical all the mistakes, but you analyze where errors can lead us now as yours and others like you. Think it, I tell you again. Look to the right if you use over and over again, if you keep appearing, you lack Morales Solá, I think, if you keep appearing spoiled by the media oligarchy, although I do not believe in ghosts, you will appear one night the ghost of Leon Trotsky and he'll say, "I broke my brain with pickaxes, what you how they left the brain? "Hail
repeating your slogan: Trial and punishment of all those responsible for Ferreira Mariano! Off street gangs of the railroads and the unions which still exist!. And I add another: By Cristina Kirchner's victory in the first round, opening the way to deepen a process of change for Latin American unification and advancement of the working class!
Source: Paco Agency Urondo


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