Letter to Altamira
Where are you going, Jorge Altamira?
We have never tried, but we know and have a common theoretical point is necessary to create the caring society, egalitarian, where the outbreak and to consolidate the New Man. I think so, and there I put my modest efforts: the national liberation and social development of a united Latin America. You say you are also fighting for that goal. So I think with the right to ask: Where are you going, Altamira? Where? What drives your politics?.
Excuse me, but I do not think that deep in yourself you can assume that the discontinuation of the Kirchner government will lead to PO the Casa Rosada, or Nor will it cause a big political growth.
No. I do not think you're so out of development of class struggle or, in the name of Marxism, jump to conclusions that you can only admit a teenager generous and utopian of those who, in small numbers , follow you, and you think you can assault the sky just like that, tomorrow, with the revolution perfect completita, without contradiction, and imperfection.
No. For the kids understand them - to "your kids" - and that hurts me because it thought the kid probably Ferreyra. Because at 18 or 22 years you may want to leave the misery, of despair, injustice, fighting all at the same time and once all or nothing.
I feel sorry for the kids because they put the body and right does not carry a spin. But you do not I can understand. You saw what happened with the cutting of routes the other day, 20 boys rebels, on behalf of 60 co outsourced, provoked the anger of thousands of rail users in Constitution Plaza and that anger was used by Duhalde and macrista groups, hooligans by Barrionuevo, Ritondo by commands, by bands of Duhalde.
not like your partner says Ramal "It would be crazy to assume that the PO cut in Avellaneda and also acted PO " in Constitution Plaza. If anything is delusional is what of Ramal, because no one has seriously said that.
What happened is that, in fact, these boys idealists who cut the tracks were allies in operating the same clips that you anticipated but was not in fact, with the right bands.
So when they say "the ally PO Duhalde" do not be angry: the theory is not so, in fact, yes. That is, in practical politics, the macrista Ritondo is allied yours, and Cecilia Pando and Posse and Redrado and Door and Barrionuevo and Toma.
You and your companions attack the government because it has not done so missing, they want to flip through what he has done and what he has done enough to not support it. But together you and they believe it is appropriate to interrupt the progress of kirhcnerismo, ie re-election of Cristina.
course, they, right, are your thing, do not support the Media Law, do not support the recovery of pension contributions by the State nor the Unasur, neither nor the Universal per child, or put an end to the IMF.
They are
upset by the prominence popular, "the darkly pigmented" (as the conservative Pastor Reinaldo ) and then say now, making 'the bocho' most reactionary neighbors: "We are xenophobic and what ?: Bolivians and Paraguayans concern us schools and hospitals. "
But you can not you agree with that. I know it coincidís in theory, but in fact, yes. You know the theory of the epic Upper Peru against the royalists and certainly you know the "Moto Mendez and " Indian Camargo and Juana Azurduy "and you have affection for Bolivians and Paraguayans (do not have it by Solano Lopez. comrade in the struggle against oligarchic Mitrismo funded by the British Empire) but nevertheless, you you play in the same band of xenophobes.
is in the same orchestra, old, even if you are orchestrated conspiracy of coffee. In fact, yes.
So I repeat: Where are you going, Altamira?. Because you you ought to know, I know, I suppose, that politics is essential to know the main enemy (every socialist elementary manual seriously).
And you can not confuse the government, with all the unfinished business that you want, " alliance with Duhalde, Macri, Pando and all already know.
No. That's not what you'll never understand, or justify.
On the other hand, you have ordained you a conception of politics that gave central importance to the discovery of the correlation of forces . One wonders, in every moment of the fight, which is the correlation of forces. This I learned, like me, for many years in the little manual of socialism is the ABC, the first grade, as stated in our time.
And then what are the available options?. I do not understand as not understanding the forces at play and therefore option: around the 2001 or 1942, according to some, that is, the deep decline over the progress of Kirchner, with all imitations that you and I probably match or the continuation and deepening of what is being done from the government.
And you can not tell me you learned in the classics, these are inter-bourgeois struggle and Cristina is the same government that or Duhalde Pando? No, you know You can not say that, because that will invalidate to act specifically in the political struggles that are happening here and now. .
You lived many things, Altamira, as I lived. Or missed the report? And those who did not live, you looked for an abundant political literature. What was left abstract, the entire left, from anarchists, socialists, communists to Trotskyists, in 30?. All against Yrigoyen.
And Uriburu wine, and after he was charged with torture and execute, even some of these leftist theorists who had been instrumental to the fascist right. Was it the same Uriburu that Yrigoyen? Obviously not.
irigoyenista Had to be done in the beginning of the decline of radicalism? Neither. "It was up placed outside the struggle they were fighting inter-bourgeois? Even less.
The only correct policy was to teach the classics: next irigoyenismo, independently, with the middle class who made their experience of power and show their limitations.
Because it was not for the constraints but by the successes that tortured and murdered radicals in 1931 and had to be there, against the dictatorship and at the same time with "radical resistance "denounce the traitorous Alvear.
course after radicalism ended in De la Rua and all we know, but that does not mean that would be attacked at its best when most people were supportive.
You know it, because that is called "dialectic" that neighborhood language means: do not stop courting mine 20 years thinking that within 60 years will be wrinkled and toothless.
Or otherwise: menemismo degradation does not account for those Braden were with and against Peron, 45.
I can not believe that I understand, because then that letter would be pointless, totally useless. And do not say, either, "at that time, we were very young and we did wet the bed" because I will answer as Jauretche, worst is still peeing in bed now, too.
Because even at 45 and 55 did the same, except position "Labor Front" and his followers of the nationalist left, who saved the honor of revolutionary socialism with Peronist workers. .
About what happened after Peron fell, remember? Undoubtedly What wine? "Socialism, perhaps? Yes, perhaps the of "America" \u200b\u200bGhioldi justifying the shooting of 56 because "the rod and spoil."
They were not Peron himself and the Alte Rojas, knows any laburante without having ever read Don Carlos or Vladimir Ilich. I know because it is the reality of class struggle, without knowing what the class struggle that left most of the preaching in the ferment and workshops with the windows closed to what happens in street.
Could it be that I do not understand? And make no mistake, I tell you again. I did not I tell you to do Kirchner. I say only that no one is left when ranks all the others for the same thing, bourgeois throwing fireworks that excites adolescents.
is left is the concrete political action and here in Latin America, with years of dependency and dispossession, where governments appear popular vocation, you might say bourgeois populism disguised I do not ask you to leave your organization and you incorporate, to them, but you set aside.
not right beside and against that government. Lenin told you, Altamira, "to strike together, go separate."
"Together" with the popular majority, but policy directions are not all that you want. And "separated", ie maintaining the independence ideological, political and organizational, but never be of functional right. No, my old man.
Because then you are entering a game where you can fall on the responsibility what happens to militants are baited as we have seen, wounded or killed to ultimately not make the revolution, but that right comes to power and persecute the few who will stay.
few days ago Rafael Correa said, regarding his attempt to give people a way to Ecuador, protesting that a "left" wing called "silly", is pleased in attack making the game right.
Hugo Chavez says the same thing about rabid former guerrillas who oppose him pandering to the owners of television and major economic groups in Venezuela.
Is not it enough photos of the launch of the candidacy of Duhalde, in macrista procesita Ritondo and Pando, masterpieces of terror?. It is they who threaten those who want to return, want thirty thousand missing, which will fall too many of yours.
And you can not play the game. You can not create conditions for the newspapers say "THE OP Avellaneda and the Duhalde and macrismo in Constitution Square, operated against the government and led to incidents." No, my dad, you can not. It would be a grave error and in politics, I know, a mistake is worse than a crime.
Because in these countries, national and popular movements played an important role, even if they were inorganic, tumultuous, "Gold and Mud", "pits and summits, "as Jauretche, but in the end balance advances expressed popular, both as Yrigoyen Perón.
Sometimes, journalists say that in Argentina there is no real left. Of course, if groups similar to yours Biolcati confused with Mao Tse Tung and Llambías with Trotsky and placed around "the table of link farming" facing the government next to the ladies "good" of Barrio Norte and large soybean.
At that time, you were better than them, but not well. Not to support the farmers, but said they were fighting interbuguresas. But then, tell me, is all the history of Argentina are inter-bourgeois struggle not to care about the workers?.
Yrigoyen was overthrown by the Conservatives faced Perón Braden, then ousted and exiled, poisoned and San Martín Moreno faced Rivadavia and Sarmiento celebrating the slaughter of Chacho Peñaloza.
A story of struggle, blood and death. And if that is not class struggle, do classes where they are? We all are the same, bourgeois and all the fighting, bombings, shootings, etc, are inter-bourgeois struggle?.
If we think that, the better to devote ourselves to abstract painting or to learn to play the violin that's not fucked anybody. And hopefully someday , far away, when you see another cordobazo, but an enlightened vanguard, formed in orthodox our Schools of revolutionary socialism, let perhaps politics, but it could happen so that workers have already forged their leaders, some social, some bureaucratic, some "fierreros" to me, but not to recognize those throughout the Argentina history not influence at all and took the 1% of the votes to sustain that millions of Argentines fought over differences imbeciles "bourgeois" and not for socialism.
know, from the National Left, which is not that easy to "hit together "and move apart. Even when I self Ramos was presented with the application itself March 11, 1973 because he maintained that it was the same Campora radicals and the military government candidates.
was a grave error, and not to mention support for Menem, so many national leftists are placed away from the story of Ramos. But this trend has held, in general, the only correct position, to accompany all national movements in Latin America from an independent perspective and clearly positioned against the common enemy, as we know, is imperialism and the treacherous natives.
From this perspective we agree on the valuation of Peronism with Cooke, Hernández Arregui, Puigross, Walsh and many others, but insisting that it was more correct to play outside and not try forge the left from within. But what is not doubted, in the relationship with them, was that the workers were doing their experience and must be accompanied and face the main enemy.
Now the controversy continues to mark the positions of PO And I repeat: no implacable opposition to the national movement, like yours, or ism. But yours may be more dangerous. Because right now know who loses in first round and will cause conflicts throughout the 2011. And you can not be there, or nearby, you know?.
Haceme case, Altamira, Think it at night, in the silence of midnight, think of the kids that you can take risks and make them play in a functional on the right, because there are disgusted him put the body but only when politically sense the danger that we run.
martyrs for the sake of not benefit anyone but added mourning and misery to which we have suffered. Think the right lurking, think what would happen if the government collapses.
You and I are closer to the harp, the guitar and then followed the advice of Julian Centeya: In "The finirla, is the saved." There can redeem an old sins.
's still time and then, I say again, it is not make Kirchner, but to place you accompanying critically but the people in their experience. national popular.
And I say on behalf of the United Socialist States of Latin America on which Trotsky prophesied 1940, for what, as you know, led him to support oil nationalization and Lázaro Cárdenas in the background, was his theory of permanent revolution and that another of the anti-imperialist front together with Lenin presented in 1922 to the congresses of the Third International .
imperialist united front with workers, many workers and students also the petty bourgeoisie and other oppressed people, but in close association with the level of political consciousness most, in that historical moment is not true that you remember?.
I tell you, I am, as I said Scalabrini and bridging the gap, "a anyone who knows anyone who is a" . Thing is not this conversation have to continue 2012, the two in jail or in exile and prepare because in that case, then I'm going to complain every day, relentlessly, like that drop in the bobbin that stubbornly persists and bothers in the morning, I'll repeat over and over Sometimes making you partly responsible for Argentina's misfortune if those that you know again, using the errors of a left that has not yet learned that Che puteaba from Guatemala against "those shits airmen" who bombed his own people that tragic June 16 1955.
All I can add you that there are moments in the life of men the best they can offer its people is a profound criticism and a rethinking of erroneous positions. There are plays a profound attachment to the new world they preach and who say they are fighting. Think it. A greeting.
Norberto Galasso.