Tuesday, January 9, 2007

How To Unlock Nortel Model T7316e Mail

Po-210: I warned

First of all, I apologize for the delay in upgrading my blog.Gracias to those I read (even though few!).

Not long ago I made a warning about the use of polonium as a terrorist weapon. And see who has since passed poco.Y warn you.

only to clarify two things: 1-Russia

will happen Polonio terrorists, as about the plutonium. And Polonius will be composed by the most volatile.

2-The dose of polonium used to kill the former spy's life was worth 10,000,000 million.
This is because Russia has enough nuclear reactor synthesizing polonium, and bismuth is not as expensive.

just wanted to clarify these points, and now write a very simple way to isolate plutonium from uranium (damn, I look like a terrorist ... but it's just science!)


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