light source using Po-210
Today I'll teach you to make a light sentence (who says life, says he is 8 months ...) of our friend, Po-210, a close friend of Litvinenko xD (is that I have a spark ...).
Incidentally, this same idea I have given científicosaficionados forums, which has not plagiarized.
The first thing is to make us a electrstático eliminator. It's like a brush with a very fine hairs and one or two golden plates on top. It's like this:
For about 40 dollars (35 euros plus shipping and unlicensed) or you can buy one, ejmplo from this page.
Then, Strip off the two gold plaques that is (are hidden destro of aluminum bars.'ll Be something like:
This image has been taken from Theodore Gray's website, highly recommended site. The only thing you have to do is paint the active face (which no adhesive, come on) with a phosphorescent paint based on zinc sulphide. In this painting you can find putting "glow paint." Although in reality it has no zinc sulphide, but I guess it will remain the same. Also you can choose from different colors, as querais.Y if not, then acercadlo something that glows in the dark, not need to buy paint.
Since I have not done it, do not I can upload an image, but the truth is you have to shine a lot, even in broad daylight. As you see, easy and simple (and for the whole family!).
Plutonium Uranium Isolate
This topic almost seems a taboo subject, and that is that bothers me a lot.
is a very expensive and complicated process, especially when you have to remove several hundred tons of fuel used, together with fission products.
But if we want to remove it, here I give a little help to begin to separate (it is very expensive to remove impurities and then isolate pure plutonium, ProQuad is a very active metal.
But before I have to give you bad news: Plutonium source has to be a cylinder of MOX fuel or enriched uranium yaUSADO. Because while bombarding uranium with neutrons, the plutonium produced is almost undetectable, so it's worth, although the method mentioned here to obtain even small traces. It's a very simple but also very old (used for some time).
MOX fuel From:
is the best, especially if it be unused. If used, apply the second method.
This fuel contains only U-238, U-235 (0.2%) and 3% for Pu, with a 6% Pu-240 the latter.
As we see, there is much plutonium, and even if you have a single cylinder and will have a considerable amount.
Here's what you ought to do: 1-Dissolve
fuel in HNO3 (nitric acid) 1.5M at a temperature of 60 º C, for days.
2-Once dissolved, heat until it is just the nitrated uranium and plutonium.
3-dissolve it in distilled water and pass the solution through a filter, but not absolutely necessary. 4-Id
adding HNO3 solution until a 0.1-0.2M.
5-Add a little (a teaspoon approx.) Bismuth phosphate and precipitate plutonium, not uranium.
And I'm good, maybe we can get the pure plutonium (metal):
6-filter the precipitate and hechadlo in hydrofluoric acid solution low concentration (is that the acid tends to have bad milk) and very, very small quantities. 7-Hervidlo
(beware of steam) until the precious plutonium fluoride. Buying
8-ordinary light bulb in a Mercadona or wherever you want.
9-Break up carefully bombilla.En glass filament, put the plutonium.
10-To do this we would need to vacuum, but as the average amateur does not usually have (like me), but we are looking forward to isolate the plutonium without forming oxide, we use CO2 (the gas in the Coca-Cola).
You ought to tighten the Bulb in a socket or solder wires directly to Bulb.
Then lay your bulb in a completely closed container (the cables thou must pass by the hole and then covering with glue). We can fuck a 5l bottle of water, but no water.
CO2 is heavier than air so it will be replaced if, for example at the bottom of the container and put a carbonated beverage that produces CO2 we leave, or better yet, put alcohol or acetone in the background, will be in cap cylinder and a burning match.
stick a flash. Then quickly close the bottle with the stopper and connect in potalámparas (which is inside the bottle, lest we forget) to electrical current. The filament will turn red hot and melt. If you take more than 2 seconds to melt remove plug.
11-We take the bulb running, and see how silver bubbles have formed in the filament. We
a couple of hits and the plutonium will be falling from the filament (although this may have been fused together with the plutonium).
12-We keep our silver and then dense Plutonium in kerosene, otherwise they will oxidize and are not nice, although it also fissile xD.
Note: Of course, if you have a CO2 canister from those used in bars or argon, do not hesitate to use it. And I have to say that the flash method with alcohol or acetone quegenra much water vapor, so I recommend waiting for a poco.Además condense, so we have some empty.
From Spent Fuel
If you have a pellet MOX spent fuel, nor go near him because he's very active. I better give it away, OK? XD
But now seriously, spent MOX fuel not try it, can cost you your health in the medium and even short term.
If Uranium enriched to 3% (as almost all the world's nuclear power plants) will be less active and more secure (although I would put me in the mouth).
spent Uranium containing 1% of plutonium, MOX has used a lot (sometimes even 15%).
The problem is that first is highly recommended diced, I would not do anything but go out with many Plutonium fission products.
The process is identical to MOX unburned, except for a couple of steps before.
1-Wash the fuel in plenty of commercial caustic soda. That would be better if it was in powder form, of course.
2-Heat and let simmer for 10 minutes. 3-Filter
all the crap that has come out, and wash the cylinder with water.
4-Do the same but with sodium carbonate instead of soda.
5-How clean is more difficult if you follow the steps as above, or you can try LaF2 phosphoric acid, although this did not think it works.
Well that's it. And Indeed, a MOX fuel will be used Plutonium Americium and Curium, quedais warned, though this will make more nuclear fuel.
Po-210: I warned
First of all, I apologize for the delay in upgrading my blog.Gracias to those I read (even though few!).
Not long ago I made a warning about the use of polonium as a terrorist weapon. And see who has since passed poco.Y warn you.
only to clarify two things: 1-Russia
will happen Polonio terrorists, as about the plutonium. And Polonius will be composed by the most volatile.
2-The dose of polonium used to kill the former spy's life was worth 10,000,000 million.
This is because Russia has enough nuclear reactor synthesizing polonium, and bismuth is not as expensive.
just wanted to clarify these points, and now write a very simple way to isolate plutonium from uranium (damn, I look like a terrorist ... but it's just science!)