Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Letter Of Encouragement For Confirmation

Get Am-241 smoke detectors

Americium is a transuranic element (atomic number better than that of uranium) and is created by man in nuclear reactors by activation neutron. Formed after the decay of Pu-241, fissile isotopes of plutonium but with less importance in the Pu-239). Am-241 has a half life of 432.2 years and decays by alpha particle (helium nucleus without electrons) to Np-237, turn radioactive and decays several times up to Bi-209 (supposedly stable then explain why).

Americium is an element which also gives a moderate spontaneous fission, that is when the atom is broken into several pieces due to their large mass. Can be used as fissile material, with a critical mass of 23 kilos.

Thanks to their emission of high energy alpha particles, can also be used as neutron emitter, another day will explain who they are and how to make some.

But at the moment of truth, the americium is used in smoke detectors. Yes, you hear. The stream of alpha particles (each with a power ionizing +2) ionizes the air, allowing for the electrical current flow. If smoke enters, this current disappears and the alarm sounds. This is how the ionization chamber smoke detector.

Americium is easy to get that (although I want to put more and more fucked up). To do this, go away at any electronics store and buy a smoke detector with ionization chamber, the most common Cheap and effective, and are those with the americium. I care not mess a photoelectric detector (although difficult), which are very expensive and have no Am-241. The detector will cost from 6 to 12 €.

As there are many models, open it is very different depending on which you purchased, but all are something like
As you can see, we see perfectly the ionization chamber, where the americium. What is next, white, is the alarm.

To open the ionization chamber, id carefully. Sometimes you will be playing desoldering ...

Once you have the Am-241 in our hands, it will a plate like this:
This board can contain 10 uCi (microcurie) at 0.5 uCi. Generally, when more will be older.

Well, we already have our Am-241. Many people use it as emitting neutrons, which as I said the other day and explain them.

And now, a few things to consider:
1 - Am-241 is usually, but not be unusual if Radio.
2-THE Americium emits low energy gamma rays and neutrons by SF (spontaneous fission, as I said before, and the interaction of alpha particles with oxygen. Needless Can store in a lead container, but at least regard him about daily life while you do.
3-Americium is slowly oxidized in air to form AmO2. This is a solid black.
4-A times in the Am-241 plates from QSA (especially in Europe), we see directly the americium, proque this is coated with a thin layer of 2 micrometers of palladium. It is so thin that passes the alpha particles. Americium provides

2000 CPM if you have a Geiger counter with mica window to capture alpha. If it's Radio, you have to give a few more accounts, as I have understood. That's a good way to differentiate. Another is to put a small piece of lead, low thickness. If gamma rays pass through, is radio. Legality

is illegal to remove the radioactive source of a smoke detector.
From here I'm not encouraging anyone to do so.
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we responsible for any use that is given to this information.



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